Monday, November 16, 2015

MAAPPS 2015 Annual Meeting and Election: Embracing the Milestones and Continuing our Mission

On Saturday, November 14, 2015, the Mid-Atlantic Association of Professional Process Servers ("MAAPPS") held its annual meeting and election at family owned and operated establishment, Gentleman Jim’s in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Additionally, we are pleased to announce that this month also commemorates our fifth year as an organization. Happy Anniversary MAAPPS!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Happy Notary Public Day!

What Does A Notary Public Do? 

If you tell someone that you are a notary public, you can often expect that he or she will nod knowingly, as if fully aware of what that means. However, most people know only that a notary is "someone who stamps documents." Why those documents are stamped and what is involved in the process is not as well-known by the general public. Some people will admit that they don't know and will come right out and ask you, "What does a notary public do?" To answer that question, you have to first understand what a notary public IS.

A notary public is an official witness to the free and willing signing of one or more documents by one or more people whose identity the notary has verified. In most cases, the document is signed in the notary's presence; in some cases, it is signed first and then brought to the notary public by the signer, who will then acknowledge to the notary that he or she signed it.